I have a son myself and I understand the challenges of helping a young man become independent. My son is grown and has a wife and child. He's not perfect, but he supports his family and is very responsible. He, his wife, child and 2 boxers moved in my little home for 3 months when they were between houses. It's not that I don't want him to live at home, it's all the dysfunction, disrespect, laziness and his dad letting him get by with it. And I don't want to become a maid and cook.

He's asked me to have a talk with his son to tell him what I think. He probably thinks if I tell him what he's doing wrong, he'll stop it. But IMO this young man has a lot of anger issues and will continue to act out in a very passive-agressive manner.

I'm stopping by his house today to pick up a few things I left at his house and will probably have a discussion.

Kate, I don't think he has a different perspective, but he feels sorry for him and the son is milking it for all it's worth.


P.S. I have an job interview at 10:30 today, please say a little prayer for me. This would be an interesting job in a family-owned company.