I recently joined a company and have been taking training for the past two weeks.

I am the only female, and the only white person. The others are east indian, chinese and mixed males. It has been so interesting. They constantly make fun of each others race, talk about how their race affects the job etc.

I have never been in this situation before. These guys are all young, 20's and 30's. They were born in Canada but come from families that raised them in their culture. I found the entire two weeks an eye opener. My teacher was 27, and yes he still lives at home.

All these guys are nice and I like them but really didn't understand all the ethnic jokes. I guess they have to deal with being from a different culture due to their colour and I've never had to.

Anyway they were talking about the responsibility of being the eldest son. One guy who is 30 bought a condo a while back and is going to move back home so he can save some money. He will sell the condo and bank the proceeds. I asked him if he would pay rent to his parents, he laughed as did the others. We don't pay rent. Fascinating isn't it.

I asked them as I was curious what white people are known for and guess what their answer was:

"white people are known for kicking their kids out at 18"
