I'm not sure we can know peoples harts lola, kinda a self defeating question i asked. But we can judge the actions (mostlie acuritlie) and how they behave when they do them, full of pride or something yucky or full of love.

144 isn't a good title but i din't know what to put.

heers what happ[end i watched a movie (the day ther earth stood still) and was intrigued as it went on that perhaps humans weren't gonna be saved, because of our ways warmongering, self destructiveness' etc.

(that's not the films ending by the way lol)

it got me thinking true for some people but not for other people. If we had to ark up people on what characteristics would grant them access the into ark. scientist doctors etc be thi9r because of their usefulness to humanity but apart from usefulness what else and how else would we chose, would it be for spiritual reasons, or non spiritual life's but good productive faire lives....

would we chose people who are from all races cultures because everyone should be represented. would that go as far as discriminated mental or physicaly unwell.

if it was all to be gone who and what would you chose to start to rebuild all over again.

how would you chose who goes into an arc, who would you nominate? perhaps that's more the type of question i would/should have ask. would all disability be excluded, would some be included, what types of numbers would we need to have before we could happen include disabled people that couldn't have kids etc or disabiitie not effecting how the humane race propagated.

I said or was thinking good hunters and protectors are solders but licklier to start wars in futures, (is that a right assumption) we'd need some people to give some spiritual hope and some religious hope.

what would you chose and is thir someone who you would chose.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn