The Book of Revelation is the most difficult to understand and the numerology it contains, amongst other things, is only symbolic. So, it's not a body count. It must be read along with other commentaries and references. The interpretation thereof would depend greatly on faith denominations and individual purposes i.e. secular and/or ecclesiastic.

What must be borne in mind is that God wants all of us to end our spiritual journeys in Heaven. Who goes to Heaven or not is God's initiative and not ours. He sits as sole judge at the time of death, regardless of how holy (or not) one's life is lived. And, it is only when we die, would we perhaps come to realise whether the degree of perfection of the Beatific Vision has been granted to us. Saying all that, it would definitely help to be good smile

Can I nominate souls to heaven? I don't know. It almost sounds like knowing people's hearts. But, I can surely commend souls to God's infinite love and mercy...including mine and its imperfections.
