I love the term "hail damage" I was painfully thin most of my young life till I was about 40, so when I actually started putting on a few pounds I was thrilled...until I looked in a dressing room mirror!!! How can someone who always had chicken legs have cellulite??? What is up with that stuff!!! Now I know why Jane Fonda always wore those ridiculas tights when she was working out...and I thought she had such gorgeous legs!!! My plan is always to buy the clothes, bring them home to try on and take back if they don't fit, either that or I'll never have new clothes!!! Remember the commercial of the women screaming when she was trying on a bathing suit? I have personally heard someone do that...bathing suits...I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind the ones from the turn of the century...just use a different fabric and I am there!!! Nance