I spent mothers day with both of my children for the first time in three years (20 year old and 18 year old). (Mark my fiance', and an older woman friend my family "adopted" years ago was there also) Talk about a blessing.

We went up to Estes Park to our old church, and my 20 year old daughter recommitted her life and was baptized. She is three months pregnant, she told our pastor, "I don't have it all together yet, there are still a lot of things I need to fix, I just believe that this is what I'm supposed to do"

We then went to a friends cabin and had fondue. It was just wonderful.

The pastor preached on David's life. How he made mistakes, and yet he still sought God. He talked about the struggles in peoples lives.

He played this song during his message:

This song talks about the "sacred being torn away"....but talks about how we are "held" by God.


"This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
and you survive.
This is what it is to be loved,
and to know that the promise was
when everything fell we'd be held."

I realized that this is the story of my life. I have experienced tremendous loss, and yet, I have always sensed God's hand in my life - the he has truly held me.

For those of you ladies who are in a period of mourning - my heart is with you. God is faithful. He will bring you through it, and TO something new and beautiful. None of our suffering is in vain. He will use it, I promise you!

As long as their is life, there is hope.

Keep the faith sisters! I love you all deeply and thank God for your lives!


Edited by Danita (05/12/09 08:45 AM)
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