It takes two to tango. By that I mean that I agree 100% what the person has told you about ONE GOOD HEALTHY PARENT.

When I divorced, my ex tried every way in the world to irritate me and I refused to listen. Period. The kids saw him gripe, holler, scream, and flap his arms like a duck. I remained calm. After he would leave, I would tell my kids what a good daddy he was to care so much. I would also say how much he loved them AND weren't they lucky to have two people who loved them so much!

I never once said anything against him. EVER. Even when it would have served me better and made me come out smelling like a rose.

I loved and love my children more than life itself. More than ME. I am not bragging, but just stating the facts of my life. I always put them FIRST. Their needs, their goals, whatever.

Their daddy eventually gave up on the abuse and got onboard with making their lives as good as they could be. Bravo to him, I say. He is a good man...he just had a lapse in judgment...for a year. LOL!