i wholehartidly agree chatty .....over the phone mostlie we can tell if someones smiling or not, changes voice tone, we pick up ironie and sarcasum and all the sub level parts of conversasion thats not about bady language.

heer However we totalie totalie at the some times mercy of the reader, sometimes all they see is thir owen interpritasion of what they think we have said not we we have actulie said.

one thing i learned heer is to say bla bla bla is what i though you ment when you said xyz becouse i picked up stuff wrong heer and its not just about my dislexia its probablie a rushed response to a post weer words haven't been chosen with the uttmost care. Who got time to ponder all our responses to all post we write.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn