my sister found this info on Wikipedia. My mom had many of these symptoms. We're trying to keep her away from Tylenol now!

side Effects from (Acetominophen)
Increased Blood Pressure
Severe Itching And Rash
Extreme Dizziness With Hypertension (See 1 Above)
Muscle Pains
Liver Damage/Failure
Easy To Overdose: It Only Takes A Few Days Of Maximum Dosage To Achieve Liver Failure, especially with other OTC drugs containing acetominophen or ibuprofen
Stupor, Coma

Side Effects from (Acetominophen + Aspirin + Caffeine)

See 1 To 10 Above
Stomach Ache, Diarrhea, Vomiting
Shakiness, Jitters
Rebound Headaches (as the drug wears off)
Tinnitus, Ringing Of The Ears, Hearing Loss
Blurred Vision
Anxiety, Paranoia, Nervousness
Unusual Bleeding, Bruising;
Swelling, Difficulty Breathing, Closing of Throat, Etc.
Sensitivity To Sunlight

Side Effects from (Ibuprofen) Include:
Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Vision Loss And Blurred Vision
Liver Failure
Chest Pain
Difficulty Breathing
Fast Heartbeat
Fever, Chills, Muscle Aches And Pains
Skin Rash, Redness, Blistering, Peeling or Itching
Stomach Pain, Cramps
Swelling Of Eyelids, Throat, Lips, Feet
Unusual Bleeding, Bruising
Unusual Tiredness, Weakness
Weight Change

Side Effects from aspirin (Salicylic Acid):

In Very High Doses, Ringing Of The Ears, Stomach Bleeding.