I went through menopause early. Dance is the hardest sport on the body according to a Harvard study, so I was exercising well.

I had every nasty bit of perimenopause for almost ten years and then a completely nasty menopause experience after that which lasted about three years. I had it all, I mean sweats, mood swings, low metabolism, you name it, I had it.

The only thing I heard that made sense to me was that women like myself who had tubal ligations had rougher menopause symptoms and usually went through early menopause.

The simply truth is that the only good thing I can say about my meonpause experience is that it all reversed itself and STOPPED dead in it's tracks when it was finished. My body went back to normal, my mood is stable, I don't have sweats, etc...

I hear the symptoms can go on forever, but with me it ended, period. I felt like celebrating and having a party when it was over!

I tried the chemicals, the soy, the black cohash, and all sorts of other things. Being a dancer, I know a lot of women so I tried all their tips. Nothing helped me avoid the classic pain in the a** menopausal hell!

Congrats to those who are having a good go of it. To those who exercise, it's not the be all end all of saving yourself from symptoms, not at all.


"Question your privilege"