My cyst was 3 1/2 cm . I had to sleep with two pillows at night. I had the fluid cyst drained several time. I had the cyst for three years and with medication it liked me so much it would not go away . You probable will see a thyroid doctor . Ask lots of questions . The doctor will do and altrosound of you lump. Now, is your lump a cyst or what? I would love to give you the American Thyroid foundation web site , but will mail it to your direct or post it on the web site thing.

I had a good surgeron . I did check to see how many operation that he had done on thyroids surgery . There are risk involed with this surgery as in any surgery.

I went into the hospital here in MD at 6:00am and was operated on at 7:30am . The operation took and hour and half. I did stay one night in hospital and went home the next day . We cannot work for two weeks and you neck hurts like heck. I only took thyoidl . I would not take the Morphine at all . I had and IV in my hand all night in the hospital and my voice was horse for a month. I ate soup for two weeks and lost a lot of weight . I needed to lose the weight . I still don't want any dessert , for which I am glad of that. I still mantain my weight I stayed tired for a month , but got my strength back after that.

Not much of a scary only a little red on my neck at the base of my coller bones. I did well the doctors say . I wanted to do well . I was always wearing scarfs to cover my neck. The cyst was going back in my neck. At times , just before my operation the lump felt as thought a rubber band was around my neck. Yikes! that was scary! I had a hard time eating anything. I told the surgeon. He said if I had let it go any longer I would have choked to death. Now I don't wamt to wear nay turtle neck sweater anymore or a scarf.

I have my swan neck back . I had a small pieace of tape on my neck. I guess they glue you together now. Surgeons glue. Did a good job. I am please . I was afraid , but that is normal .

If I have left anything out please ask more questions . I am here for you. You are not alone.
