I know that my hubby's snoring stimulates the blood flow around MY eyes...grrr...but I'd rather be kept awake by his snoring than, well...let's just say I'm so glad he's alive and healthy that it's almost (ALMOST) a joy to hear that snoring man lying beside me.

Now where did all that sentimentality come from. Sniff.

My eyes have been ultra-sensitive to light for most of my life, ever since I had a bout of snow-blindness when I was nine years old. Walking to the post office on a brilliant beautiful sunny winter day. All of a sudden, I went blind. Couldn't see anything. My eyes were in such terrible pain. I literally felt my way along the snowbanks for awhile, until I got in a shady part of the block. Gradually the pain went away and my eyesight came back. I never told my parents about it (I forgot all about it by the time I got home). Never thought about it again until my mid-twenties when I was admitted to hospital for meningitis and they noticed that my retinas were "burnt around the edges". We still don't know if it was from the snow-blindness or the meningitis.

Since my laser surgery, my eyes have been so sensitive to light I often have to close the curtains in the afternoon because the glare is intolerable. I have to wear sunglasses even on cloudy days, and especially on sunny winter days.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)