EW, regarding your mother's depression. Consider what she's been through lately and try to put yourself in her shoes. I'm sure you have, but thought I'd mention a few things.

First, she had to get rid of most of her stuff, downsize, leave her lovely home, neighborhood, familiar surroundings, comfort zone, INDEPENDENCE, plus so much more. Then she has to adjust to all that is new. Throughout this, I'm sure she knows this is a final step of sorts. Wow, they can be pretty depressing.

I'm praying she becomes better adjusted and comfy in her new surroundings, makes new friends, befriends the people who work there, and feels her spirits lift a bit.

Anxious to hear about the doctor visit.

Medicine can make or break an elderly person. My loved one is currently in the hospital after acting out at the Alzheimer's residence. They stripped him of his meds, except for the Alzheimer medicine, and began re-introducing medications again. His mood seemed to level out and we were hopeful he'd get back to his residence soon. Then yesterday, they were trying, without success, to draw blood. Apparently it was a scene of frustration on everyone's part and he ended up kicking the phlebotamist. Kicking? He's never kicked a soul in his life. Well that's not true. He kicked Ross when he was in the hospital the last time for medicine evaluation. They'd introduced an anti-depressant and it totally freaked him out. He was hallucinating. Poor thing. But other than when medicated, he's never kicked a soul. He isn't a violent man, never was. I'm telling you, medication in the elderly is tricky. So we're back to the drawing board, beginning again with other medication, once this medication is out of his system.

Isn't this sad? Most of the time, he's confused already. It's like you never know who you're going to see when you visit each time. It's heartbreaking.

EW, just keep this in mind when Mom changes or adds medication. That's why I share.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.