Do any of you widows here whether long term or short term find themselves carrying on conversations with their dearly departed?
I rarely speak to my first husband, we were young and only together 5 years. But to my second husband who I spent a wonderful 14 years with, nearly attached at the hip, LOL, I speak to him all the time carrying on whole conversations. He has been gone a long time and yet I still continue doing this. Even I think I'm nutty at times but it makes me feel much better and helps me (not sure how) come to the right answers.

Last night we watched our fsvorite movie and talked about favorite parts. I felt like he was right there with me. Am I nuts? Or do you do this too? I think I may be alone too much...but he is even with me in a crowded room filled with friends. You know whats really weird, its when I told him about meeting and marrying #3, I could feel him saying NO, NO, NO! I should have listened, he was right...
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