JJ, your post made me laugh out loud, your humour is a balsam for the soul.

Dancer, the nurses are wonderful. We found a great solution with her mail. They are holding back all packages, and little by little are filtering the mail out for me. This is a perfect way out, and especially because I can avoid a nasty court order.

My husband? I don’t understand him either. He is such a devoted father and grandfather. It doesn’t make sense that he is literally down right malicious what my mother is concerned. I can only explain it as sick jealousy. My mother has never done him wrong; just the contrary. We are planning to go on a vacation together this summer, ( just the two of us). He doesn’t know it, but this vacation for me, is a deciding factor as to how our future will be.

Anne327, Alzheimer caretakers are angels in my eyes. I often think of you when visiting my Mom, and seeing the residents there. You might be right about my husband’s reaction; fear of old age. But frankly, I don’t care what his reason is; this is about standing by me too.

Lola, you are so welcome. Gosh, have I told you ladies I love you, lately? blush They have 200 residents there. And yes, my mother really likes the food; twice a week they even serve beer with their meals. She loves that.

Dotsie how far away is your FIL? 4-5 times / week. Wow. I can’t even manage that. I try at least 3 times /week. Lately we are invited to different birthday parties every weekend, and I’m so happy that many invite Mom too. You are doing double time with your dad and FIL? I hope you can go on those short vacations more often, because, dear Dotsie, you must need and deserve them! Thank you my friend for your prayers. If they do manage to soften my husband’s heart, I would be the happiest lady in Germany.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.