good to see something got ya talking po

most people outside of ulster won't know who the ira are and even less so their terrorist splinter groups...which just happen to have ira in their name! So it look s if the old ira are up to their nonsense again, all it means at end of day po is nationalist, maybee or definatlie repulican.

So the reporting is TRUE and UNTRUE at same time, misleading not to quote them by their owen full title but still ira within thir name.

Even the old ira are not that noble and deployed sanme tactiks as their splinter groups today and many then didn't want that trouble when it started either.

Terrorist/freedom fighter stanse... ise't it all the same apart from perspective po? and perspective drives the naming or name calling?

Good news smile theirs rallies everyweer all over ulster showing non support for thes actions over the weekend, but guess who aint listening? and won't be either by all intent purposes. id guess as much as people wanted their cival rights and faireness and break from discriminasion many then didn't want terrorist actions but it happend anyway.

the ira as in original ira was never a democratic process anyway, never ever, so i am wonderring what the big diffrense with then verses now..

bad news.. they reallie are talking about bringing troops to streets again depending on how it goes over next lot of weeks

you any thoughts?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn