DJ, I like your point and agree with you. The world HAS ended as they knew it back when. It's changing again and if people can't get with the program they might see it as ending.

I went through the scare as a little kid that Meredith talked about, 1973 was supposed to be the be all end all. It was silly really, but things did change and some have not changed since THAT change in the world. Some people just can't move on from their opinions.

We are in flux and we are experiencing a huge change. We must ride along with it and take it in to survive and be happy and find NEW chocolate recipes to pig out on. Um...I don't like chocolate or sugar for that matter but I'll find something.

Personally, I love the big changes underway. The same as when we had to do away with Kings and Queens, we have to do away with some rulership.



"Question your privilege"