I hope all you ladies are thinking about or have had a colonscopy done by age 50. It can save your life! Insurance will pay for it at age 50, or sooner if you have a parent die of colon cancer. The prep is worse than the test, and you are put under completely....you should be anyway. They do have pills you can take instead of the big jug of go-lightly. But, there are alot of pills to swallow going that route also. I drank the go-lightly AKA go-quickly. Not pleasant, but I sucked on peppermints between each glass, and that helped.

I say this because my dad died 6 years ago this month from colon cancer at the age of 73. I miss him so much! He never had a colonoscopy and we catch ourselves saying all the time, "if only..." He was so heathly, never got sick, did not take medication of any kind, had more energy than any of us, and still worked. After dad's emergency surgery, the colon-rectal surgeon told us that dad had a very strong heart and healthy lungs and he was a strong man. Again, the words, "If only". He was so strong that he lived with a perforated colon from the cancer for 36 hours before he had surgery. We brought him home from the hospital and took care of him as much as he would let us. He refused to be a burdon to his kids. We made the most of time we had left. We laughed, cryed, remembered days gone by, and left nothing unsaid. He lived for 8 weeks and died at home. I was in the room with him when he took is last breath. My dad would be here today, "if only"...