
I truly am experiencing supernatural peace.

In the last two months I......

- Have received my son home after him being gone for 2 yrs
- Trying to get my son situated for school/work, etc.
- Am working on blended family issues
- planning a wedding
- Still fighting in court with ex over child support and maint.
- Daugther got a DUI
- Daughter announced pregnancy
- Got layed off of work....

All within 2 months. Wahhooooo! :0)

My DD texted me, "will you support me in leaving boyfriend and having the baby. I have financial assistance and a plan for school?"

God gave me the words to send her back,

"I will support you in taking control of your life".

I am not internalizing the external issues. I have moments of intense grief, but they pass.

The issues my daughter has are between her and God to work out. I will emotionally and spiritually support her decisions!

I just chatted with her briefly, her boyfriend has dumped her. Her spirits sound good all the same.

Thank you for praying.

God truly is faithful.

Tell and preserve your stories:

My most recent story for my mom: