Dotsie..I´ve been a runner for almost half my life..but now my knees are giving me trouble..big I´ve had to give that up..probably forever. I do check in on a site for runners/walkers etc etc..and they keep telling me not to give up with my knee. I may still run anyway..but I doubt it.

I loved running..I started when my daughter died..many years ago..and I loved it. I stopped now..well..a few years´s still there in my we´ll see. Maybe I can walk and jog someday..who knows?

But if you have bad knees..I wouldn´t suggest starting to run now..biking..carefully..can be difficult for knees too..but Orchid can probably help you there. I am just realizing that I can perhaps start riding a bike again..after all these years (got hit by a car many years ago..while bike riding with my daughter on the back in a child seat).

I think it´s kinda cute that you don´t do any "sport"..I we HAVE to, to be SOMEONE??? To ourselves or anyone else? You are just cute and thoroughly human. blush Not to mention that all that walking is actually a sport in itself!!!!

Love ya!!! grin

PS..I need more smileys or emoticons or whatever..miss the old ones.. blush
"some sacred place.."