I actually had gastric bypass surgery in April 2002 with Dr. Michael Schweitzer at Sinai (Baltimore). I had an open (as opposed to a lap like Carnie Wilson) surgery (a Roux-En-Y as opposed to an gastric band like Rosanne). I have lost about 240 pounds and am VERY happy. Several people made comments about what I was doing and said they thought I had a death wish, BUT if I had not had the surgery I would not be here today. Literally, I mean. I had steatohepatitis, which translates to "fatty liver". My liver was in bad shape, and the doctors told me that it would not have shown up until the liver failed, and then I would not have been a transplant candidate becuase of the weight. What a catch-22, huh? Anyway, the skin and fat left over are from the tremendous weight loss and they are in my way!! So, I am having it removed! Technically, the insurance company will cover it if it hangs down "past the pubis" or causes a rash or broken down skin where it touches the other areas of skin. Sometimes they can also cover the breasts because of that, so I guess I will take that one as it comes if I get this one done.

My surgery was something I did for me. It was covered by insurance and was VERY painful. I took a long time for recovery because I did not want to have a hernia or any other complications. My father moved in with me for 6 months and took care of me and my dogs and house. I would recommend it to anyone that is as miserable as I was (even thought I didn't know I was at the time). I am walking a lot, doing things that I could never have done before. I am so happy and the only regret I have is that my husband and my mother aren't here to enjoy the proceeds of it. I know they both are with me and are happy for me, but they are gone.

Thanks for the kind words and the encouragement. I will keep you apprised of the journey as it progresses...