Don't ask me! This womans family owned the chimp since he was three months old. He was a working chimp and did hundreds of commercials in his life. They treated him like their child, a son. After the chimp retired and the womans husband passed away, it was just her an the chimp. He was known by all the neighbors and their kids, including her best friend who he atttacked. Everyone said he was friendly and they weren't afraid of him. Apparently he had a cold or something and the owner called her neighbor over to help her get him down out of a tree. She had just given the poor animal Zanax. Why? What the hell for, its dangerous and not for animals.

The next thing anyone knew was they were all in the house and the woman made a move and was attacked viciously. The poor owner hit and even stabbed the animal trying to free her friend and as we all know he was shot and killed by the police. This is so sad for all concerned. Hopefully, maybe out of it might come stricter regulations about owning exotic animals. That would be a God send for the animals being exploited.
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