It sounds like your Mom has a case of OCD with her mail.
It has been shown that the eldery react well to antidepressents. Has she ever tried one? If she tried an SSRI, it might cause her thinking to be more "sane," and she may see things a bit clearer.
I heard of this study at the hospital and ran it by my closest friend, a doctor of note. He said that many people should consider and antidepressent for thier parents when they are at this eldery stage where thier minds are going just a bit. It also can keep them calmer and help them think.

Just a thought.

This sounds very hard for you and I went through it very young when losing my mother. I remember the guilt, fear and all the feelings of hopelessness.

Please continue to post as you undertake this hard, hard situation.

She IS safe now, this is true. That is the most important thing. Now it's about making her as comfortable as possible.

Good luck and many of us are there for you.


"Question your privilege"