Thanks Ladyjane.

Honestly, I'm sitting here right now hating myself, because I got so impatient and angry at my mom today. I once mentioned that she has an addiction to junk mail. It is completely out of control. Her entire apartment is filled from top to bottom with boxes of mail, covered with her own comments. She promised me when she moves, that she will stop. Instead she has written these scam criminals and has given them her new address !!

I’m sure this is a sign of dementia. It's just that she is so normal with every other daily things. It's so hard to understand. She insists on continuing with this stuff.

Hubby says, - just let her do what she wants to do. I suppose he's right. It's just that her new room is small...just room for a bed and a couple of furniture pieces. Yes, Jane, my mom is social, but withdraws more and more because she needs the time to work on her mail. She attacks this stuff, as if her life depended on it. It is burdensome, but she can’t stop. And when I tell her to just simply stop, she hyperventilates and acts like she's about to get a heart attack.

Oh gosh...I just had to vent. Thanks for listening to this boring story.:(
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.