Originally Posted By: chatty lady
Nostradamus says the world will end as we know it in 2012. It seems all cultures calendars stop on that same year.

I am asking chattie who the other cultures so i can go looking at evidense myself.

can you name those cultures? As iv hearted it said so many time as well yet can't find them myself. Some people say its a falt in time recording systems others say its quite intencanal...others say its becouse time as we know it will change, so its the birth of a new time a new age. thats what i am hopefull about.

i have been told irelands gonna sink. All i feel is fear about it which distortes everything, iv lost abilitie to be subjective and all i will feel is a distorsion around it when i think or meditate about it. I have a big lack of ability to formulate long term planes, it mounth by mounth if i am luckie. Its never before been this way inmy life so the newness pussles and confuses me. I also know all we can count on is a moment by moment existense so perhapps i evolving in a way thats ment to be but it spooking hell outa me.

I always thought it ws a spiritual shift that was commin and all one needed to have was a turning to spiritual ways to solve current and future and then delemeas was a spiritual attitude and be---ing in the world. I reallie hope that that is all thats needed and all this physical ment to be troubling stuff is just us looking for conceret solusions to stuff we feel but what should be solved in a spiritual way.

so living for todays great and how it should be but i'd still like some long term hint lol.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn