with prophisises and translasions its hard to prove one way or another. I also know a lot of phrophises are or can be symbolic so interpritasion can be misleading from the one prophisising. One wee example i am gonna describe.

as for twin towers and what happend that week a lot of people weer nervious and felt the feeling of doom, ....within a certine church i was attending many had inicale picked it up and perhapps some weer influensed by others but thir was a very strange feel that week.

Imidiatlie after the disaster many could't work (in any psychic or spiritual way) as it was like standing in middle of a psykic hailstorm. The concisousness of people around the world, via media was shocked and changed. Energeticalie it was painfull.

I phoned a few frends in incresing panic and if po remembers i described it for the 2 weeks then more paniced the last week "as an opera that hade't reached its climax" then settled to waite to see what was happening...their was nuthing operatic in its nature it was just me trying to describe the feeling of incressed tension. That lead me back to the church to find out what was happning, with some feeling the same way, phrasing it diffrentlie but the same way. The tension broke into chose when the media flashed the news around the globe.

I am not sure any one pricicly pinponted the twin towers, so all the phrophisising was wrong.....and it was apart from the feeling of doom and "something" was gonna happen. Thats the only bit that stands up. I haden't in all of about 10 yrs heared anything like it happening at the church. So i hope thats an example of how hard it can be to prisilie say xyz is gonna happen.

so i do not know about nostradamise, just can't say and his wrtting is typicalie vage and open to interpritasion as is the basic problem with prophises.
unless its timed, dated and described so much else can be read into it and often only understood (if at all) with hindsight. Makes it a bit useless eh!
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn