i always ask.....and that takes up 3/4 of the conversasion, the answere, but i also agree after 30 minets of someone else talking about themselfs without asking, i do sometimes wonder were thir manners have gone....

when exceptionalie troubled i have also launched into one and forgotten to ask, this happens once in a while and i always relise later and feel bad for it and aplogise later when i can. However with some people it is almost a constant conversasion style

i have a few frends who i will talk honestlie with so i count on them asking as i just do a summerising glossing over with the rest of aquantinses or frends...

if i am low in energy i do a sneekie thing i ask them "SO HAS ANYTHING NICE HAPPEND TO YOU LATLIE" lol it limits the type of thing they can tell me before or do not launching into a big whinge...lol i not sure if that sneekie or wise considerring its when i low in energy so can't take a lot of negative talk or complaning.

anyone any other tricks to share for when tired or low in energy?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn