Hi Dotsie, I may see them sooner rather than later. Preliminary tests indicate lesions on my mother's spine. No way to know if these lesions are benign or malignant tumors. When I was with her, she'd say, "I feel like every bone in my body is broken." Well, no wonder, bone scan last week showed these strange tumors. She has to endure so many MRIs, CTscans, infusions, confusion. I can tell that she is losing her will to fight. Even if she was fully coherent, I mean, if she did not have the Alzheimer's, I suspect she'd be giving up by now. She does ask for me. I know my visit with her was nurturing and soothing to her. We don't know if she has 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, so I can't live there indefinitly. But when I get the inner guidance, I will go to be with her in her last days or months. My step father said last night that there were "forces" in my mother's life and in my life that "kept you apart" meaning keeping me and my mother apart. Yes, there were misunderstandings, trials, tribulations, and the generational destruction of child abuse. I wanted to tell him that he was one of the forces. He can't stand to see people being happy, isn't that strange? But he can't stand between me and my mother now. And, she and I know the truth of our love, despite all the mess and misunderstandings. What more could a mom want to know at the end of her life? Than that she was loved by her daughter...