Celtic, your friend's new mate would probably be jealous of anyone who is close friends to her; either male or female.

I never had a boyfriend or a husband (and that I have had only one of) who wasn't jealous. I don't know how it is with the gay scene,…but men tend to be possessive and jealous creatures. Actually it was a reason why I ended one relationship after the other. I was always a loyal partner and never gave any of my boyfriends a reason for jealousy, - but I still had to cope with their jealous egos, as if I were the guilty one. Ugh.

So all I can say is; don't take it personally, it's a male problem. Oh, and as far as how to cope with it? I found that the more I insisted there is nothing to worry about, the more I looked suspect in their eyes. I have learned the best is to go on with my life, be true to myself, and ignore the jealousy attacks. It's a sign of insecurity, I guess. sick
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.