iv never heard that quote from dean before.

LOLA i pole dance with ya and i be sober too lol.

Iv a trick if skint or not wanting to drink (yes its possible for a scot around alcohole not to do that)I waite untill my frends get drunk then i mis behave or carry on and no one know if i am drunk or sober

this sounds bad but was very funnie at the time.

last time po was heer we were in our local bar, i think i was sober and been getting high on cafine and suger in coca cola but i could't get past a bunch oof people to finish dancing with po so i climbed onto and crawel along an 8-10 foot table to get beside her to finish the dance. If i have done that drunk too but then the onlie difrence would be i would have probably spilt the drinks on it or burned myself on the candles lol.

and i wase't put out or offended anyone they saw the hummer in it, beside first thing i do when becomming a regulare is be nice and be chummie with door staff, saved my bacon loads of times, lol. smile
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn