Who is Joyce Meyer? I hope the repeat of Dotsie's teleseminar is helpful in putting puzzle pieces together. Orchid, the dermatologist could have just asked about your maturing process. He was totally inappropriate. Wow, my mom would have questioned it to herself, but she would not disobey a doctor. We were of such Italian patriarchal culture that a woman did not dare question a man who was in some position of "authority." I don't recall learning of societies without child abuse. Good question. My mother and grandmother were protective, but they could not protect one from another in the same family! As for older women telling their stories (for lack of a better word) if you go on myspace, you will see pages of victims/survivors/supporters of all kinds of abuse, including incest. What is happening is that the younger generation has the means in which to tell. In our generation, there was no one to tell, no way to tell. We could never be anonymous in telling, even in Confession. And the consequenses to perpetrator in our generation were so minimal, like early retirement. One of my uncles was a city councilman. Talk about sleep overs. When I was 12, I was sleeping over with my cousin (his daughter)and in the middle of the night he came into the room and molested her. Only I did not know that is what the experience was called. I only know that I was scared to death. I thought, oh no, not me, not him, not here. Next couple of years, he was caught with other children, it was in the newspaper, yet his only consequence was to "step down." All 3 of his children are so messed up it isn't even possible to know where to start. So, although it is not always pleasant to talk about this topic, know that molestation is not to be minimized. It is a totally damaging experience, and even changes our brain chemistry and pathways. I am glad that you find this place a safe place to share what can't be held in, lest it drive you crazy. L, PL

Edited by Princess Lenora (01/30/09 09:35 PM)