We spent the afternoon waiting for his local neurologist to see him yesterday. We got in and had an interesting talk with her. She is not in the least adverse to writing a glowing letter of support to the insurance company, but she had some interesting points.

I had mentioned that knowing what he has will give us some
comfort. She said they most likely would give him many, many tests, and finally make a diagnosis with a name. However, he would be sent home and ultimately the treatment would not change. It is still a matter of treating the symptoms. No matter what the label, there would be no cure.

We knew that.

She did admit that she could understand the desire and need to know what it is exactly, for acceptance sake, if nothing else.

If there was any hope of Dennis' life changing because of this visit, and the insurance company denied it, I would be angry. We want to go for a proper diagnosis, and to help research and others. I believe we should have that right. So I will continue to fight.

I am living in hope that Obama and his team will find a way to correct the horrid issues that we have with insurance companies. I also hope that he addresses some of the other issues related to health - drug costs, for example. I really question the tactics of advertising drugs/ This raises the prices of specific drugs and has patients requesting drugs for problems they may have not concieved as problems before.
Follow our story of living, loving and laughing with a debilitating disease:
