This week, I have been wallowing in self pity, until last night. I don't know if it was an answer to my prayers or coincidence, whatever…it snapped me out of my doldrums.

I was actually dead tired, but for some reason kept zapping through the TV channels, when a movie caught my eye. The name is : Turtles Can Fly. Has anyone else seen it?

It's a documentary film about orphaned children in Afghanistan who have lost limbs and/or family members to land mines. It is a must see.

Not only did it push my own life back into perspective, where I thought how ungrateful I can be; it opened my eyes once again to the horrors going on in this world. I wish I could be there just for one of these children. Tomorrow I'm going to the bank to contribute what I can, in hope that it may buy at least one child an artificial limb.

And I gave my Hubby a hug today, and told him we will make it;..we will make it together. I think I sound a bit schizophrenic,…and maybe I am…Whatever, I've snapped out of it. And the nicest way to snap out of it, is to do something good for another human being who is so much worse off than oneself.

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.