Ack, two things:

I can't believe you announced this in here. No need to do that.

And, you are right. I sent you a gift card to Tai One On. I recalled you guys liked that place and thought hubby could get you a carry out dinner one night. I remember crutching around the kitchen while trying tom ake dinner and it wasn't easy. What a rip off! It was a plastic gift card. Someone working for the post office must have felt it, opened the envelope and taken the dang thing. I'll never send gift cards in regular envelopes again. I'll put them in the padded envelopes. I've often sent Subway or WalMart cards to my kids in college and that never happened. Good grief. I guess we shouldn't be surprised while in the face of such tough economic times.

I'll have to talk to the nice gals at the post office and ask them what I can do about this. Do you have the envelope?

Maybe I should notify the restaurant. Hmmm, good idea.

Edited by Dotsie (01/26/09 08:42 PM)
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.