Thanks Anno, chatty and JJ --

You're right chatty -- my doctor friend who showed my x rays to his orthopedist friends (that's my health care system, LOL) confirmed what you say and what DD says, that it's ok to wait a few days. He also said it's okay to go out, so we went on a little road trip yesterday and out to dinner.

Yep they gave me crutches and I'm pretty good but trying not to get cocky. My friend told me that her PT once said that people on crutches are likely to break their arm or their noses! She also brought me over a walker, one of those canes with feet, and a bench to put in the shower, so YAY I got to wash my hair today.

True JJ, I'm worried that my husband is _too_ worried -- he was married before and widowed after 20 years and had nursed his first wife who died of ovarian cancer. So even though I enjoyed myself yesterday on our little trip out, I really wanted him to be distracted and not worry so much about me. They'd had 3 little Yorkies that he got for her, and when those little dogs died, my husband's hair actually turned white and his eyebrows fell out (Eagle -- hope you're listening -- he took adrenal pills and his hair turned black again and his brows grew back. And by the way, no specialist could figure it out for him. It had to have been the stress and brought back his grief.)