LOL, I'm so sorry DJ, but your "shaved legs" comment got me going. I thought the same thing once when I was in a car accident!

My first thought was that you should get to the doctor, but then I did some research and found this info for you: (by the way, they said a fibula is part of the ankle?)

Splinting an ankle fracture is commonly performed in the emergency room. A splint is often done for a few days, followed by a cast. The splint will allow more room than a cast in case there is continued swelling. If the ankle fracture is not badly displaced, the splint may be put on without moving the broken ankle. If there is displacement, a "reduction" will be performed. After being given anesthesia, the ankle fracture will be re-set to improve the alignment and displacement of the broken bones.

A cast is usually done after a few days, unless the swelling is minimal and it may be done early after the injury. A cast is made either of plaster or fiberglass. Plaster molds to the skin better, and is preferred if the cast is needed to hold the broken bone in a specific place. If the fracture is not unstable, or if some healing has taken place, a fiberglass cast may be used. The fiberglass is lighter weight and more resilient to wear.