This reminds me of a book I read in high school. It was called "Waiting for Godot" and it had a profound, life-long impact on me. Essentially the entire book is about two people who spend two days waiting for this character Godot to arrive, but he never does. (For more info, just Google Waiting for Godot, or see this link for a quick overview

At the time that I read the story, it was long, arduous and extremely frustrating...but it didn't come even remotely close to what would become my own life experience of forever waiting for my own Godot, "Godot" being representative of whatever it was I was waiting for at the time. When you put all of those waiting periods together, they add up to an astounding waste of time. Hindsight can perhaps say it wasn't totally wasted because it taught me something, but I spent far too much time waiting for my life to happen and not nearly enough time living it.

It's still hard to break free of that waiting stance. Especially when having to deal with circumstances that are in large part beyond my control to fix or change. But now I try to distance myself from the wasteful futile way of waiting, and try to turn any waiting into fertile ground, using the time to grow, evolve, learn, and discover new creative ways to think myself into more joyful moments.

I like being here and now. I like and choose to stay in the moment and if this moment requires any sort of waiting for anything or anyone, I read, pray, exercise, play on my Wii, come here to BWS to chat...whatever it takes to take the worry and stress out of waiting and turn it into LIFE and LIVING.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)