I can't wait to try a Wii one of these days. It looks like fun.

On one of my birthdays, they had just re-released Star Wars and Empire Strikes back and they were showing at the "historic Senator Theater" which you can even find online-- it was built in 1939 and is really cool art deco, original architecture, huge screen, so I took my two sons there with me because neither had ever seen either one on the big screen -- (nor had I because in 1979 I was in Italy for Star wars' release and after that I was too poor to go to movies).

In the Caribbean, I bet you'd be safe with beans and rice and seafood and vegies and fruit! mmmm. I've been to Jamaica, the Bahamas, St. Martin, Barbados, Caiman (what a bore), the Mexican coast and Puerto Rico. Where do you go? I love those beaches! That sea! Do you go snorkeling?