I was doing a Body Pump class plus Pilates when I became ill. I had lost 58 lbs. (it's still off thank God)but am now stuggling to take more weight off.
I found out I have a bone spur on C-7 in July, and just finised PT.
Started Pilates again, but am afraid of injuring the neck.
I'm asking if there are any exercises where I don't have to lift weights over my head(the left arm goes tingly)and can start to whittle away this belly I have.
It's the only place I need to lose more weight. There isn't much left of the other parts of me, but of course, the skin that hangs, but that's ok, I can live with that.
I belong to the YMCA here in Olympia, but they don't seem to be to interested in helping me.
If there is a web site I can go to to show me exercies I can do I'd really appreciate some directon. I need to lose this belly!!!!
Thank you