Hi ladies!

I'm a true gym rat.....I belong to a Lifestyle Family Fitness that is happily only 4 miles from my home, and I'm there 5 or 6 mornings a week. I like to do a variety of the classes (discovered a long time ago that I'm much better about exercising in group sessions -- just have a hard time getting motivated to exercise alone other than walking). I take one of my dogs for a walk every morning (some days longer walks than others, anywhere from a mile to 3 miles) and then I head to the gym for class. I do step-aerobics, Pilates, BodyPump (weight-lifting) and the one day per week that there's no class on the schedule I like, I use the elliptical machine and the treadmill.

I'm always curious to hear what other women enjoy doing for exercise..........anybody else lift weights? Get into Pilates? What are you gals into these days?