I've been watching this series too and it does claim the 7 Deadly Sins were listed and named as "deadly" by a pope in 390 AD(which actually started as 8 in the monk's list).

The Rabbi that has been part of the commentary talks about which ones are, and are not, included as sins in the Jewish faith. If memory serves (no guarantees there!), he says at least a couple of them are not...at least directly.

I too got a great big laugh out that one NYW! Too funny and love it bunches. I think my DH would prefer that be the case at all times!
Love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed (Jerilynne)
Coming Summer 2009 "Kick-Butt Kindness: 52 No Cost Ways to Ripple Kindness 'Round the World"

Let's create Kick-Butt-and-Take-Names Lives!