lol no not totalie nuts, not at all can't speack for other women but its my view i can onlie give you.

" the sharring the same bodie" seems to be the type of thing onlie id called it sould group above or id had a connection with this women meeting her the day before my tranning and descoverring we both in diffrent home towens but we meet and she would be at my course also. Their was stuff we done together that was very movving in terms of healing in this world, i felt a physical pain and the burn go while under and then be southed, my her. I also done PLR with her but in one of the times she went to a diffrent time freme, a diffrent planet. One can see someone go through the changes as they enter diffrent levels of hypnosis and for this other planet she recelected as a child i held my breth as i though she had stopped breathing. Left door open and got our couch (teacher) as id never seen it before my teacher seldome sen it but has witness others go beyond normale hypnotic depth if you like to other planets.

It takes a big leap of faith for plr then another for plr to other planets or dimensions or both as WISDOM AND LIFE Was saying. very very fasinating and i am still looking for someone who knows this or can explain it. I am intuitive in life, i was so as a kid, my scientific tranning knowed a bit of it out me for a while or i just chose not to belive ME lol untill i could prove it. For last 10-15 intision came back.

Sometimes i listen sometimes i don't. Sometimes it leads me to the most unusule of places weer it looks like i am sufferring via a situasion and sometimes i have suffered BUT it was sufferring to learn a leason! or soften and change a bit of my personalitie. Change isen't always happie soft it can be harsh and dramatic but i still belive its weer i should have been at that time regardless. Other times i hurt its becouse iv had no idea or just plain stupiditie or iv gone in the face of that voice, i a big stuborn hallion lol my stuborness a gift and a curse at same time and i still learning flexibilitie.

That voice saved life maybee on two occasions but cost me both times. Overall a lot was learned that i needed learning about. such is the way.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn