I just talked to my step-dad, and he lied again. Says he has operation tomorrow and does not know why I did not offer any emotional support. No on told me! He said, yes we did. No, I replied, no on said anything me. This is a constant. My mother will not change and her husband chooses to believe her. They are both not very physically healthy and have chosen to live a life of gluttony and have chosen to blow their money as they saw fit. Yes, they have helped me in the past, yet also held it against me. They think they're doing the right thing. Ya da ya da yada, I could go on. They won't change and I can't make them. I told them today that by their actions I see that I'm not wanted - they said otherwise but offered to love nor support. Its the truth. If any of the other kids call, my parents will do whatever is necessary. But, not for me. Why have they chosen to treat me so horribly? Its their choice, they consciously make decisions to lie and abuse with vindictiveness and then deny it ever happened and say I'm crazy. They tell folks I'm bi-polar. Am I responsible (physically and financially) to care for my mother should my step-father pass away? My mother asks why I'm so hateful. I told her that she set the example, I treat her the way she treats me. I told them I will drop of the Christmas gifts and want nothing else to do with them. Its so lonely.