the important thing is that you know that lights is in everyone and you try to find something in the physical to compliment.

bit like gifts and wrapping paper, peper being the physical bodie and the gift being that god devine light...

i feel kinda i let myself dowen a bit if i overlie harslie judge someone or can't quite get to find something likable in most people even thouse that irritate me or have been cruel and unjind to me or mine ...but then again i just hunmane lol and no perfect pin for me either

Eagle was the ladie that was very kind a young one as i kinda like the young ones expressing them selfs in individuel ways. generiallie people having kids are kinda young and who knows what they growe into as a more mature person. Either with or without a purpile mowhock lol smile
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn