DJ you asked a good question:
…one of the things I'm really really curious about is whether this community feels as "real" or more "real" than the community outside your doors.

I feel this community is as real as the life right outside of my door. I think of you ladies even when I'm not posting. You are all a big part of my daily life.

It amazes myself how often I'm on the thread, and prefer reading all your posts, over reading some women's magazine or watching TV. You are all very real and dear to me. And I for one, get a heck lot more out of communicating with you, then just sitting in front of a television set.

Yesterday while wrapping my Christmas gifts I was listening to the radio station that Dotsie once posted. I thought, I would never have found this music myself. You ladies have enriched my life in so many ways. When I'm down, you have pulled me up. You rejoice with me, and vent with me. Of course there are issues that I haven't agreed with. And I have to admit, sometimes I shook my head in disbelief,…but I got over it…and the pros always outweighed the cons.

Nothing is perfect. And I think that is a part of becoming older and wiser; not to expect perfection.

Many a time I have posted, and no one has responded. That happens to all of us. I think it's really therapeutic just to vent, write poems, tell jokes, complain, express our sympathies, and do all this…without any expectations or taking it personally if no one responds.

MA, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's accident. Please don't carry your concerns by yourself. Share your worries and thoughts with us. It truly helps ease the burden. And we truly care.

Humlan, I know you had an intense time with Lady Jane and Di. I miss their presence too…but the rest of us chickens are here for you. You are going through so much right now, it's overwhelming. All I can say is share share and share…one of us will respond, and maybe help you lighten your path.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.