Originally Posted By: Mama Red

One of the tips I shared with my subscribers was to give a compliment...especially to a stranger.
Sometimes I find it challenging, especially when I'm looking at a tattooed, pierced person with "odd color" hair and even "funnier" clothes. One day I wasn't coming up with anything right away (my judgment nerd was on OVERDRIVE!) and finally said to this cute soul..."wow, you have a unique way of combining colors...it shows your bright personality". The girl beamed like a lightbulb...and I was still in integrity...

i am sure her smile did light up manie that day. well done not being intimidated or condesending in the focus of your compliment, you know the why? when youv such a prettie face stuff people come out with lol I sure in fact i know a lot of "diffrent" looking people get left out of this type of stuff becouse they look so diffrent, at core thir just people still.

big pat on the back to you smile
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn