DJ, I had to re-post a response because I couldn't see your post while replying.

I'm definitely anxious. The anxiety has gotten way out of control. I can't answer the phone, can't make phone calls, can't go outside unless I'm with my husband (though if he takes me out somewhere, he can drop me off and I'm fine and can walk home with no problem - but just getting out my front door alone is a baffling and debilitating issue). So yes, I need help with the anxiety. And taking this AD might be the first step.

The dessicated adrenal sounds intriguing. The AD will take a few weeks to make any difference, but if some of these other problems persist, I'll look into adding it.

We eat a lot of fresh veggies here. Hubby eats a lot of fruit, but I can't tolerate too much. I feel much better snacking on proteins than fruit. And I have to have red meat every so often...even hubby can tell now when it's time to have a steak for supper. But my appetite has gone way down lately.

Thank you so much for sharing all of this, DJ. You've given me a lot of great information that may help turn this around for me.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)