i think Mountain that scotland is a very frendlie countrie and smaller towens well once accepted then everyione knows who and whats what.

i not sure DOTSIE why cashiers for shop behave like that but think its too do with how bissie they are and how hard ther days been. Its funnie since our locval supermarket is at end of my street so some of those girles i meet dailie lol. some don't talk but a few do. Ters one polish ladie not long heer and she tells me about certine tv pprogrames she thinks i might like i then meet her in tghe street and she asked had i watched it. Turnes out she lived in scotland for a few years had such a good time she likes all our scots and think we all nice, I am nice to her and chatt when our stuff being done but carefull not to hold her cue up. She cheers my day up and i think i help hers along too. its just about humane contact.

christmass such a strange time with a lot of peiople being lonlie and we all know why for 100 of reasons. I think it pays to make an extra effort for them and for us.

DOTSIE was that the type of blessing you ment when you started the thread?

MOUNTAINE i am laughin at the store ladie paging you they remakiung your bras now lol. id have blushed to death lol. but reallie sweet storeie
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn