Thanks for asking. Last Friday, a week ago, I went and picked up the script from the doctor. Later in the day, I took Dad for a late lunch. I mentioned what I'd done and he was totally cool with it. SO then I asked if while we were out for lunch, if we could go pick one out. He said, "Aw, you can do that honey." I really wanted him to go with me, and to get it done while I was out, but he really wasn't interested. However, he is allowing me to do so because I think he realizes that it's tiem.

Finally, this Friday, I went to the pharmacy to pick it out and they need one more document from the doctor which they will call and fax about. As soon as they get the last document, they will deliver the chair for free. Isn't that wild? And, it's all covered by insurance. I have a feeling I'll be taking him out and about at the end of this week. I can't wait for him to get in places and see what he's been missing the past couple months. God is good.

Chatty, I give you the credit. Your response moved me to take the bull by the horns. And it was oh so easy. Thank you.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.