When you have a lot of siblings involved, like you do, and like I did, sometimes you just have to move on it, like Chatty said. And 9 times out of 10, everyone else is relieved that the major decision was made by someone else and they didn't have to be the one to do it. There will ALWAYS be ONE out of the crowd who would throw in their two cents worth of wanting to do it another way, but you have to get past that with simple statements like, "It was time and needed to be done. After all, it's in HIS best interest, not ours." PERIOD.

Good for you. Having to put my own dad in a wheelchair was entirely different as his mind wasn't good at the time, so it was just a matter of telling him, "Look what I got for you daddy! Now we can go to the park, the mall, heck even the moon if we want to!" Me being excited made him excited to try it and he loved being chauffeured around. He would say, "Once around the park, James." And cute things like that.

Again I said, good for you on setting things in motion.